1 April 2007: Nursery sales have been suspended until further notice. We have retained 2006 catalog for historical reasons and trust you enjoy browsing through the site.

Lottah Nursery Tasmania, Australia

2006 Catalog

The following lilac cultivars are available by mail order for the Winter 2006 season ending 31 August. Some varieties are only available in small numbers and it may not be possible to fill all orders. Please provide alternatives on the order form if this is acceptable. We expect to update this page regularly, so it would be advisable to check status prior to placing order (please use your browser refresh button).

Flowering dates provided are for Lottah, Tasmania, where mid-season would be around mid to late October; in warmer areas, even within Tasmania, this could be 4-6 weeks earlier. Click on cultivar name for additional information and a thumbnail of the main image for any variety.

All plants offered are self-rooted, and being container grown, come with the full complement of roots. We standardize on 150 mm pots for most of our plants; 200 mm pots are marked with '20cm' after description. Check details on plant sizes.

S. x 'Albida' white single flowers very late in season on a non-suckering shrub
S. x 'Bailbelle' (Syn. Tinkerbelle™) reddish buds opening into fragrant pink single flowers late season on a semi-dwarf shrub; repeat flowers
S. x chinensis 'Duplex' fragrant double lavender flowers extending up to 300 m along the stem
S. x chinensis 'Rouen Lilac' large clusters of terminal as well as axillary panicles of fragrant single florets on slender stems in mid season
S. x 'Donald Wyman' magenta flowers in late season on a non-suckering shrub
S. x 'Ethel Webster' pink tubular flowers resembling S. x prestoniae but reliably repeats flowering in Autumn
S. x 'James Macfarlane' late flowering cultivar with large trusses of pink flowers on a non-suckering shrub
S. komarowii ssp . komarowii (syn. S. komarowii, Komorof's Lilac) - fragrant violet flowers late in season.
S. komarowii ssp. reflexa (syn. S. reflexa) - drooping panicles of fragrant pink flowers in mid-season but we find it sometimes repeats in Autumn.
S. x 'Lotta' (syn. 'Josee'™) - small leafed cultivar with fragrant pink florets in mid-season followed by two or more flowerings later in Summer/Autumn; semi-dwarf.
S. meyeri 'Palibin' a true dwarf, this is reputed to grow to 1.5 m after several years; bears fragrant violet-purple flowers early in season.
S. pinnatifolia rare species with pinnate leaves and creamy white flowers; 2m
S. x prestoniae 'Isabella' vigorous shrub with large leaves bearing single lavender-pink flowers in late season; 3 m
S. x 'Nike' single dark violet flowers on a spreading shrub
S. x 'Telimena' vigorous non-suckering hybrid of S. villosa x S. komarowii ssp. reflexa bearing large clusters of pink flowers late in season.
S. protolaciniata very fragrant lavender flowers on slender stems very early in season; cut-leaf form provides attraction after flowering; 1.5 m.
S. pubescens ssp. microphylla 'Superba' the original repeat flowering variety with very fragrant mid-pink flowers in Spring followed by one or more secondary flowerings in Autumn
S. pubescens ssp. patula 'Miss Kim' (Syn. S. patula 'Miss Kim') - very fragrant pale violet/lavender flowers in midseason on a dwarfing shrub
S. x 'Sleeping Beauty' dwarf variety with pale pink flowers; seedling of S. x 'Lotta'
S. tomentella 'Phillip Adams' lavender-pink flowers with golden leaves in Spring
S. yunnanensis 'Prophecy' single pink flowers very late in season

S. x hyacinthiflora are hybrids of S. vulgaris with S. oblata and closely resemble the former parent except in coming into flower a week or so earlier. Some of these hybrids have been bred for tolerance to lower winter chilling requirements and may be suited to the marginal lilac growing areas where S. vulgaris may not thrive.

S. x hya. 'Anabel' amongst the earliest to come into flower with fragrant double mid-pink blossoms - 20cm
S. x hya. 'California Rose' single pink flowers in early season
S. x hya. 'Lavender Lady' large clusters of very fragrant lavender flowers early in season
S. x hya. 'Maiden's Blush' one of Skinner's masterpieces with fragrant single pink florets in early season
S. x hya. 'Mount Baker' single white flowers in early season
S. x hya. 'Sierra Snow' fragrant single white flowers with twisted petals in early season; 20cm

S. vulgaris is the typical lilac of commerce. We are pleased to introduce more new selections this year, including the several from Fiala and Kolesnikov, as well as the first of Fenicchia's. The range will be expanded to cover most of the cultivars listed in the images section in time to come. However we cannot guarantee that cultivars offered in any one season will be available the following.

S. v. 'Agincourt Beauty' violet/deep purple petals with contrasting creamy stamens; 20cm
S. v. 'Alvan Grant' fragrant single purple flowers (Fenicchia)
S. v. 'Burgundy Queen' large purplish twisted lobes and sporting prominent contrasting anthers
S. v. 'Cora Brandt' dense clusters of double white flowers with medium fragrance
S. v. 'Independence' single white florets with 'Rochester' parentage (Fenicchia)
S. v. 'Leon Gambetta' pinkish buds open into very fragrant double lilac flowers; 20cm
S. v. 'Lois Amee Utley' fragrant pink double flowers in mid-season; 20cm
S. v. 'Mme. C. Periere' double white flowers
S. v. 'Nadezhda' double blue flowers (Kolesnikov)
S. v. 'Pat Pesata' single blue florets (Fiala)
S. v. 'P. P. Konchalovskii' large clusters of very fragrant fully double flowers, mainly of blue tinged with lilac; 20cm
S. v. 'Primrose' strongly fragrant pale yellow/creamy flowers
S. v. 'Sensation' highly fragrant blue single flowers develop from pinkish buds; 20cm
S. v. 'Wedgwood Blue' highly fragrant blue single flowers develop from pinkish buds; 20cm

This year we are again offering a limited range of other shrubs we consider interesting:

Betula pendula 'Youngii' weeping form of Silver Birch; self-rooted; requires training against stake to desired height before cascading to the ground
Cotinus 'Grace' vigorous shrub with reddish leaves and massive flower heads
Crinodendron hookerianum evergreen shrub from South America with scarlet flowers in Spring; 10cm pot
C. patagua dainty white flowers appearing in Summer; 10 cm pot
Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill' very fragrant winter flowering shrub
D. x burkwoodii very fragrant flowers in early Spring and often again in Summer
D. longilobata evergreen shrub with masses of white flowers in late Spring and early Summer
D. x napolitana evergreen shrub with masses of rose-purple flowers in late Spring and early Summer
D. odora most common of the species with extremely fragrant purplish flowers in mid-Winter on an evergreen spreading shrub
D. pontica suckering low growing shrub with greenish yellow flowers in late Spring
Deutzia x 'Contraste' very large flowers of mallow-pink in Spring
Deutzia x 'Magicien' dark pink flowers in Spring
Eucryphia x 'Nymansay' fastigate evergreen tree bearing large white flowers in Summer
Exocorda x macrantha 'The Bride' masses of white flowers in Spring
Halesia monticola campanulate white flowers in Spring on a large shrub/small tree
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' summer flowering shrub with white flowers in clusters over 250 mm across
H. paniculata 'Grandiflora' large sterile florets emerge green and mature to white
H. paniculata 'Kyushu' large sterile florets amongst smaller fertile flowers
H. paniculata 'Pink Diamond' large white sterile florets maturing to pink
H. quercifolia 'Snowflake' double form of Oak Leaf Hydrangea flowering over Summer and Autumn
Luma apiculata 'Glanlean Gold' masses of white flowers and variegated leaves
Magnolia x 'Butterflies' considered to be amongst the best yellow magnolias available today
M. x 'Galaxy' light red-purple on the exterior of tepals and light rose-purple on the interior
M. x 'Star Wars' large deep pink flowers on a vigorous shrub to 6 m
Stewartia chinensis Chinese Stewartia; slow growing small tree with white flowers 60 across in Summer
S. psuedocamellia slow growing small tree with white flowers 60 mm across in Summer; 20cm
Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn' fragrant pink flowers from late Autumn through Spring
V. sargentii 'Onondaga' creamy white sterile florets with a tinge of pink

We have provided a page of cultivars available in past years but are not in the current catalog.

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